Financial Literacy
Database Grades 7–12
From personal finance and entrepreneurship to market economics and globalization, Financial Literacy makes economics and finance readily comprehensible and highly engaging. Articles explore macro-, micro-, and global economics as well as personal and household finance. Users will learn to manage credit and debt, invest with confidence, plan for retirement, and avoid fraud and scams.
- Tips for the real world such as creating a
budget, best college savings plans, first car
smarts, and more
- Financial calculators and free mobile app
for hands-on money management
- Interactive activities to create business
plans, podcasts, multimedia presentations,
and more
- Share content on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr,
and more
- Correlations to Common Core ELA and
Math; state language arts, math, and
economics standards; and Jump$tart
Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy
- Lesson plans and program ideas for easy
classroom and library integration
- Instant translation, text-to-speech, and text
The information in this database feels personalized, as though written to an individual reading it...great for business and economics courses as well as math, personal finance, and
career courses. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
—Library Media Connection
Rosen has taken into account the needs of students and teachers...a VALUABLE, DYNAMIC RESOURCE.
—School Library Journal
The site’s greatest strength is its content…presented in down-to-earth terminology, but the articles are still able to convey the complexity of many financial and economic
subject areas. RECOMMENDED.